Industrial constitution law has a special level of importance in medium-sized and large companies, which should not be taken lightly. The same applies for personnel representation law in public services and the right to represent employees in church facilities.
We advise and represent companies, heads of services, works and staff councils from conflicts during an establishment of a works council and organizational issues during an establishment of a central works council, a group works council or European Works Council as well as from the utilization of office supplies, a secretary, an intranet access up to the exercise of substantive participation rights.
We draft and negotiate company agreements in all key areas of mandatory and voluntary co-determination. Furthermore, we support you with procedural questions and help you to find tailor-made solutions for the business. Here it has to be emphasized, that the opposition between the parties is not of a primary importance. In many cases, fair and open discussions are the foundation of sustainable agreements and we take the lead in the discussions between works councils and employers on questions about paying costs of our mandate.
If the parties do not agree on an adequate compromise, the conference should be continued in a mediated process settlement with a neutral chairperson in order to clarify emerging issues in regulation. We have wide-ranging experience in being an assessor for both sides; employers and works councils. In the case of disputes relating to legal issues, we conduct a decision-making procedure in labor courts, questions related to personnel representation law in administrative court and disputes arising from the right to represent employees in ecclesiastical courts.